
Thursday, August 11, 2011

diy creative reception send-off

I've always loved the idea of guests lining a pathway with sparklers to send the couple off, it's such a fairy-tale ending to the wedding reception. My dreams were "crushed" when I found out that my reception venue would not allow sparklers. So my creative mind had to think of something. I didn't want to do birdseed or the ever popular bubbles, so I came up with something unique. Since my husband is in the Air Force, what better way to send us off "on our journey as a couple" but to throw paper airplanes? So I sat down with my mom and a friend and folded 80 paper airplanes out of red card stock and wrote USAF on a wing of each plane. Since I used card stock (I couldn't find red in regular paper) I had to put a folded piece of tape in the inside of each plane to keep them from un-folding.
NOTE: Make sure that you fold a paper airplane with a blunt end. You don't want to be pegged with 80 sharp airplane points. 

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