
Thursday, August 4, 2011

the beginning.

I am new at blogging so I don't really know the "rules" of blogging but I guess I have to start somewhere. First off... I'm going to go ahead and apologize for any spelling or grammar errors (please look past them). To say the least, English classes were not my cup of tea.

I suppose I should start with a brief introduction of myself....

I have always had a passion for art and being creative. I took every art class I could from an infant through high school. Then I went off to college and decided to get a degree in "something that would make money." I suppose I knew that I could always fall back on my artistic abilities if I didn't pursue a job in my degree (marketing). So throughout college, I focused on finishing my marketing degree and having fun with friends and couldn't find the time to do art.
But NOW.... I got married in May to an amazing guy and my best friend. My husband Andrew is an officer in the Air Force and will be going to flight school to become a pilot in a few months. Currently, we have 62 days til he goes active duty. SO we are sitting around, enjoying the last few months of freedom and to say the least I have lots of free time which means I get to be creative again. By being in the military I get to share my creativity with others and travel around with my art. And what's the best way to communicate, stay in touch and share creativity with others (other than FB, of course) but to have a blog! 

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